Well everyone, welcome to my blog! I hope to be updating regularly once I'm in-country, but for the next month or so my entries may be a bit sporadic. But please check back regularly!
Anyway, my plans are officially in the works! This past Monday I went to Chicago to apply for my "long stay" visa, and all went well, and I was told to expect my stamped passport in the mail in about 21 days. I've set a tentative departure date for September 14th, but I won't be buying a plane ticket until I have my visa in hand (and until some birthday money comes my way!). In the mean time, I'm finishing up my summer teaching in Minnesota and Indy, celebrating my 23rd birthday, and starting to look for housing arrangements and/or a roommate in France. I can't do much in the way of housing right now, though, because I need to get in contact with my head of school to see if they already having housing for me (which would be nice). Trouble is, all the schools in France are closed in July and August, so I will have to wait until the 1st of September before I can make any inroads there. My program begins October 1st, so by leaving September 14th I am planning to give myself two weeks to get settled, find housing if necessary, and get used to the culture before I'm thrown headlong into a classroom full of crazy French second graders.
That's about all I have for now, but I'll be sure to write again when my plans start to solidify!